Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Flour, Sugar, Coffee....OH MY!

How many times have you attempted to bake something, get all of the ingredients out of the cupboard, then open your bag of flour to find that there's less than a cup of flour left!!!  If that hasn't happened to you, well, you're obviously way more on top of things than I am.  The above scenario has happened to me with coffee, sugar, and many other things.  It was becoming a problem.....especially in the mornings when I needed coffee to even crack a smile.

Okay, so here was my wonderful and gorgeous $10 solution to the problem, and honestly it's made my life easier.

I found plastic containers with lids at the dollar store that were 2/$1.00 and hit the jackpot with snatching chalkboard labels in the Target dollar bins for 50% off.  Next, I decided which dry ingredients I use frequently and/or are just plain important not to run out of.  So......here's what I'm working with now!!

Isn't it pretty?!  I love it and it's so functional.  Not only can I easily see if I'm running low on something, it's also wonderful because the openings are so wide that I don't have to be super careful when scooping flour and powdered sugar.


  1. Thank you so much, Susan! It makes me so happy every time I open the cupboard and see it. :) Thanks so much for visiting our blog. We love you for it! - Emily
